WallSpring. The drinking water solution that hangs on the wall.

Up to 13,680 Gallons/Day
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WallSpring Drinking Water Purification Systems
We custom manufacture drinking water solutions for small water systems.
Can be customized for use at Villages, Camps, Resorts, Commercial Greenhouses, Oil, Gas, Mining and similar facilities.
IWT’s WallSpring Water Systems are compact and can be ganged together for larger flows.
Treats well water, surface water, and GWUDI, (Ground water under the direct influence of surface water).
Convenient custom solutions to your application.
- High Tech/Low Maintenance
- Plug-and-Play – Can be scaled to support facility growth
- Systems produce micro-biologically safe drinking water and can be customized to remove specific contaminates
- 13,680 gpd, 9.5 gpm
- Stainless steel pre-filtration
- 275 ft2 of UF Membrane, .02 micron
- Backwash tank and controller
- Wall mount, plug and play
- Optional: Delivery, installation, commissioning, start-up and training
- Includes: MIT and CIP Kits, Spare Parts Kit, O&M Manual, Designed to meet and exceed Public Drinking Water Standards

WallSpring Modular Systems can be ganged together for larger flows.
Download the UF Packaged Water Systems PDF
Download the WallSpring PDF
Download Colorado PWS Acceptance Letter
Download California PWS Acceptance Letter
With these two acceptances, we are confident to be able to obtain acceptance anywhere in the U.S.