IWT Pre-manufactured Drinking Water Plants

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Pre-Manufactured Drinking Water Plants
IWT works with you to design a turn-key pre-manufactured drinking water plant to meet your requirements including:
Design, Approvals, Manufacturing, Delivery, Installation, Start-up and Onsite Training all for one low price
Custom designed commercial grade building
Finished interior and exterior
R31 insulation (floor, roof, walls), steel roof, tile floor, LED lighting, Heat-AC, commercial doors and windows, countertop and sink.
Various sizes available
On or off the grid.
Wind, solar and/or grid power.
Water treatment customization:
Pumps, Controls, Piping, Pre-Filtration, UF Filtration, Specialty Treatment, Disinfection, Contact Tanks, Flows from 5,000 to 200,000 GPD
All you have to do is provide a concrete slab. We deliver the finished plant, install it, do the start-up and training of your maintenance staff.